Know what you need to know

Achieving (policy) impact requires a distinct set of ‘Science4Policy’ competences, which are rarely covered by scientists’ formal university education and doctoral programmes. However, these competences are essential for scientists/scientific organinsations to be effective in their engagement with policy makers.

Scientists, and policy makers, are faced with an urgent need to increase their capacities to rise to the global challenges we are facing. This requires complementary, cross-cutting ‘Science4Policy’ competences. 

We help you map the competences of your team/ organisation, identify the competence gaps and provide you with a tailor-made professional development plan.


Step by step, getting closer

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” So wrote the American futurologist Alvin Toffler. 
Considering the pace of change in today’s world, education cannot be a one-and-done affair. Instead, it must be a process that continues throughout our lives. However, there must be a strategy behind for the learning to be impactful.
We help research institutions, universities and private businesses devise effective learning strategies for 21st century scientists, mapping learning gaps, identifying short, medium and long-term objectives and KPIs for successful implementation.
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